We are a team of proven leaders in healthcare and life sciences, re- amassed with the leading industry key opinion leaders and former management that created one of North America's fastest-growing technology companies (Inc. 500 and Deloitte Technology Fast 500) that created award-winning research and the world's largest clinical-genetic biobank of pain and orthopedic patients. Now, we are finishing the mission and becoming the standard of care.
Pamela Bonnett
Chief Commercial Officer
Pamela Bonnett is an accomplished executive with 30 years of experience in medical device growth Fortune 100 companies, she has managed P&L portfolios up to $1 billion and recently led a startup through product development to FDA submission. Her expertise is in product introductions, driving growth and commercial excellence.
Eric Fronk
Chief Financial Officer
Financial & operational leader with Big-4 accounting experience. Served as CFO & COO, leading early-stage growth and later-stage expansion. Led multiple fund-raising efforts and IPO processes in healthcare, medical device, SaaS, and biotech.
Brian Meshkin
Founder and Executive Chairman
Founder of Proove, award-winning entrepreneur and CEO, inventor of Proove IP, social entrepreneur and impact investor, published pain researcher in top 15% in the world, over 25 years of experience in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics
Khanh Nguyen
Chief Technology Officer
Over 25 years' as a CTO and CIO. Former CTO of Proove, led the team that built the cloud-based technology responsible for collecting, analyzing, and storing the world's largest clinical-genetic database for chronic pain.